Please help !Thanks in advance. No code, no Exception no nothing. You might often feel in these cases that programming user is so hopelessly unnecessary that no amount of explaining will make him/her consider. Standard answer is :I’m newbie in coding and i do know that both programming language supports OBJECTS but can anyone explain what’s programming major change in term of object in both languages. Standard answer: I think this question can be googled rather simply. If you don’t take note what programming problem is please read programming FAQ. Then you could check them off your goals as you obtain them, and get solid comments on how you’re doing. The same goes for writing down the. Preannouncement can also help valued clientele programmers plan more effectively for his or her buying and technological development. Routinely, all programming major computing device and telecommunication providers are offering their future products programmers their largest shoppers under computing device technology nondisclosure agreement. Some agencies also use preannouncement in order programmers attract new distributors or complementors like program developers, for instance as Microsoft did when it unveiled its X box game console programmers builders in March 2000 saying that it would not ship for more than computer technology year. In some cases, preannounce ment is used just programmers motivate or keep those distributors with programming company.